Gargat Ma7booba
August 13, 2010
كل عام وانتوا بخير
Mbarak 3alaikum el Shahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar....
Adri adri ma asti7i 3ala wayhi ow 9ayra 7adi qa63a ow ma3indi salfa...
Bas knt emsafra ow kilish ma kan 3indi technology ...
7aleeyan ana mu mt2akda etha ra7 aktb ib rmthan bas wa3ad ini akamil elq9a la2na ma a7ib abda shay ow ma a5al9a....sam7ooooooooooooooooooooooooooni
9adgoooni intu 3ala bali ow ana a7ibkum wayed
Ya rab etkoun senat 5air 3alaina jamee3an ow rabi yetqabal mnikum 6a3tkum ow 9yamkum...
Eli yabi igooli ay shay yegdar edizli email 3ala:
A7ibkummmmmmmmmmmmmmm wayed....
Ma3a 7ubi,
July 14, 2010
لكي تكون ملكا مهابا بين الناس ..إياك أن تتكلم في الأشياء إلا بعد أن تتأكد من صحة المصدر .. وإذا جاءك أحد بنبأ فتبين قبل أن تتهور .. وإياك والشائعة ..لا تصدق كل ما يقال ولا نصف ما تبصر.. وإذا ابتلاك الله بعدو .. قاومه بالإحسان إليه .. ادفع بالتي هي أحسن ..فإن العداوة تنقلب حباً ..
*----------- -----*
إذا أردت أن تكتشف صديقاً .. سافر معه ..
ففي السفر .. ينكشف الإنسان ..يذوب المظهر ..
وينكشف المخبر ! ولماذا سمي السفر سفراً ؟؟؟ إلا لأنه عن الأخلاق والطبائع يسفر
*----------- -----*
وإذا هاجمك الناس وأنت على حق .. أو قذفوك بالنقد..
فافرح ..إنهم يقولون لك .. أنت ناجح ومؤثر ..
فالكلب الميت.. لا يُركل !ولا يُرمى إلا الشجر المثمر !
*----------- -----*
نم باكراً يا بني .. فالبركة في الرزق صباحاً ...
وأخاف أن يفوتك رزق الرحمن .. لأنك تسهر !
*----------- -----*
وتذكر قصه المعزة والذئب حتى لا تأمن من يمكر ....
وحينما يثق بك أحد فإياك ثم إياك أن تغدر! سأذهب بك لعرين الأسد .. وسأعلمك أن الأسد لم يصبح ملكاً للغابة لأنه يزأر ولكن لأنه .. عزيز النفس ! لا يقع على فريسة غيره مهما كان جائعاً يتضور .. لا تسرق جهد غيرك .. فتتجور
*----------- -----*
تعود يا بني .. أن تشكر ...اشكر الله
يكفي أنك تمشي .. وتسمع .. وتبصر
أشكر الله وأشكر الناس .. فالله يزيد الشاكرين
والناس تحب الشخص الذي عندما تبذل له .. يقدر
*----------- -----*
اكتشفت يا بني .. أن أعظم فضيلة في الحياة.. الصدق
وأن الكذب وإن نجى .. فالصدق أخلق بمن كان مثلك
*----------- -----*
بني ...وفر لنفسك بديلاً لكل شيء .. استعد لأي أمر
حتى لا تتوسل لأي نذل ... فهو يذل ويحقر
واستفد من كل الفرص .. لأن الفرص التي تأتي الآن .. قد لا تتكرر
*----------- -----*
لا تتشكى ولا تتذمر .. أريدك متفائلاً .. مقبلاً على الحياة ..
اهرب من اليائسين والمتشائمين وإياك أن تجلس مع رجل يتطير
*----------- -----*
لا تتشمت ولا تفرح بمصيبة غيرك ... و إياك أن تسخر من شكل أحد ...فالمرء لم يخلق نفسه .. ففي سخريتك .. أنت في الحقيقة تسخر ممن صنع والذي أبدع وخلق وصور
*----------- -----*
لا تفضح عيوب الناس .. فيفضحك الله في دارك ...
فالله الساتر .. يحب من يستر ولا تظلم أحداً ...
وإذا دعتك قدرتك على ظلم الناس .. فتذكر أن الله هو الأقدر
وإذا شعرت بالقسوة يوماً .. فامسح على رأس يتيم ...
ولسوف تدهش .. كيف للمسح أن يمسح القسوة من القلب .. فيتفطر
*----------- -----*
لا تجادل .. ففي الجدل كلا الطرفين يخسر
فإذا انهزمنا فقد خسرنا كبرياءنا نحن
وإذا فزنا فلقد خسرنا الشخص الآخر ....
لقد انهزمنا كلنا ... الذي انتصر والذي ظن أنه لم يُنصر
*----------- -----*
لا تكن أحادي الرأي .. فمن الجميل أن تؤثر وتتأثر
لكن إياك أن تذوب في رأي الآخرين ... وإذا شعرت بأن رأيك مع الحق فاثبت عليه ولا تتأثر
*----------- -----*
تستطيع يا بني أن تغير قناعات الناس ....
وأن تستحوذ على قلوب الناس وهي لا تشعر
ليس بالسحر ولا بالشعوذة ... فبابتسامتك .. وعذوبة لفظك تستطيع بهما أن تسحر ابتسم ... فسبحان من جعل الابتسامة في ديننا (عبادة) وعليها نؤجر !!
إن لم تجد من يبتسم لك .. ابتسم له أنت
فإذا كان ثغرك بالبسمة يفتر .. بسرعة تتفتح لك القلوب لتعبر
*----------- -----*
وحينما يقع في قلب الناس نحوك شك .. دافع عن نفسك ... وضح .. برر ...لا تكن فضولياً تدس أنفك في كل أمر ... تقف مع من وقف إذا الجمهور تجمهر بني ..ترفع عن هذا .. إنه يسوءني هذا المنظر
*----------- -----*
لا تحزن يا بني على ما في الحياة فما خلقنا فيها إلا لنمتحن ونبتلى حتى يرانا الله .. هل نصبر ؟؟؟
لذلك .....هون عليك .....ولا تتكدر وتأكد بأن الفرج قريب ...
فإذا اشتد سواد السحب .. فعما قليل ستمطر
*----------- -----*
لا تبك على الماضي .. فيكفي أنه مضى ..
فمن العبث أن نمسك نشارة الخشب وننشر
أنظر للغد .. استعد .. شمّر
كن عزيزاً .. وبنفسك افخر
فكما ترى نفسك سيراك الآخرون ..
فإياك أن تحقر نفسك يوماً
فأنت تكبر حينما تريد أن تكبر ..
وأنت فقط من يقرر أن يصغر
*----------- -----*
July 10, 2010
TV Series
Modern Family is the title of a comedy show that I currently started watching. It's hilarious and very different because the actors are acting as if they're in a reality show. I started to watch it because the series I watch are either over or on break now so I thought why don't I start watching something new. I totally recommend it if you guys are bored and are up for new shows. I love it because it's a 20 minutes show and it passes by so quickly.

I loved Ugly Betty but unfortunately it's over :( It was my favorite show out of the shows I watch because it was funny, touching and the story has an amazing moral. I can never get bored of it, I even watch the episode more than once. I miss you Betty Suwarez

I also watch Desperate Housewives. Let me tell you, this is an addictive show. ITS A MUST if anyone hasn't watched it yet.

Another show is Grey's Anatomy. I loved the show until they reached season 5 it started to get boring but then it got a little but better but still I feel it lost its touch. But still I do recommend it because the hot doctors lol.

I also watch Brothers & Sisters its nice as well because it illustrates the American family life and not the typical American family life.

What are some of the shows you guys watch? Any recommendations?
July 8, 2010
Reality 7
Me: "Inzain yalla gomay 5alnamshi la2na ma bagy shay 3ala wagt el '3ada yadowb awa9lich ow aroo7 baitna"
Me: "I'm not going to tell you now I still need to talk to Wahabi until I'm 1000% sure believe me you'll be the first to know, even before my mother. Now lets get going I don't wanna be late. MOVE IT"
She stared at me angrily and I could have sworn I saw steam coming out of her
Mesho: "pffffffffffft....FINE!!! I'll forgive you for now but believe I won't forget this, you owe me!"
Me: "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK...insh'allah 3amiti"
I dropped Sha3oola back home and sped off to my house. I didn't want to be late in respect to my father.
Lunch went well and after lunch each of us was off to doing their usual routine, mom and I having our afternoon tea and the men were back to doing whatever they were doing. I was started to feel disappointed because it seems that Wahabi forgot about our little meeting.
All of a sudden...
Abdulwahab: "Yuma itha ma3indich mani3 be'3ait Jawaher fi sha'3la" he said smiling
Talk about the devil..
Mom: "Laa 7abibi ma 3indi mani3, gomay yuma shofay eshyabi o5och minich" she said as she patted my hand
I nodded and said "Insh'allah"
We headed out to the garden to have our privacy.
Abdulwahab: "Yalla Jawaher I'm all ears, golay eli ib 5a6rich"
Me: "Wala madri shloun abdaa2....mthel ma enta tadri wild 3ami Jaber mtqadimli ow ana kilish ma a3arfa 3adil ow ohwa 3inda shroo6 ishway 9a3ba ow ana 7abait a5ith rayik feeh ow fil salfa kiliha"
Abdulwahab: "Laaaa mash'allah 3alaih Jaber rayal ow men a3az elnas 3ala galbi ow mash'allah e5af rabah ow e9oom ow e9ali taqreeban kl farth bl masyad ow ma3inda 7arakat kilish and I'm not just saying that 9j ohwa rayal seeeda...ana el9ara7a atmana ena ekoun raylch 3nda mn a5laq Jaber bas fil a5eeer elqarar qararich 7abibti...."
I kept quiet because I was just listening to what he was saying and trying to assure myself that the decision I have in mind is hopefully a good one.
Abdulwahab: "Ela ta3alay, ma geltili shino ohma shroo6 Jaber?"
Me: "Ummmmmmmmmmmmm....yabini at7ajab ow atnaqab"
My brother didn't see that coming it showed...his jaw literally dropped ! Then he started to rub his head as if he was trying to show me that he was in deep thought.
Abdulwahab: "Faja2tini el9ara7a, ana adri inah ohwa dayen bas matiwaqa3t inah ya6lib menich it'3a6ain..ya3ni tit7ajbeyan bengool ma3laih la2na shay mafrooth 3alaich a9lan bas neqab mara wa7da...9a3ba! Ma agdar at9awar e5ti 7abibti metnaqba ow eb hal 3mr...a9lan ana dayman at6anaz 3ala hal ninja's eshloun e5ti it9eer wa7da menhum"
I couldn't help but crack up on the word ninja...My brother started to laugh with me and I am sure he did that because he didn't want me to think about that moment I didn't know if I was laughing at my brother's joke or the situation I was put in ...
Abdulwahab: "Okay seriously, tell me how do you feel about the whole situation"
I started to tell my brother how I felt and how he seems like a good man and that I'm sure he will hopefully take good care of me especially that I'm related to him and from what I understood from my mother and his sisters that he is very family oriented which is great. I told my brother that I don't mind marrying him but I need to tell him how I feel, so I asked my brother to give me his permission to have a talk with Jaber.
Me: "Etha ent ma 3indik mani3 ana widi tagool 7ag oboy inah ana abi ag3ad ma3a Jaber wagoola rayi ib shroo6a...kalim Jaber ow gola etha ohwa ma 3inda mani3 5alah eyeena elbait 3ashan narsi 3ala barr la2na ana adri inah omy ra7 tez3al etha refa'9t bdoon ma afakir 3adil bil mawthoo3"
Abdulwahab: "Ma 3indi mani3 bl 3aks fikra wayed zaina...5ali el mawthoo3 3alay ana bakalim elwalid ow Jaber ow may9eer 5a6rich el 6ayeb ya i5ti il3azeeza"
I gave him the biggest smile ever and got up to hug him "MASHKOOR YA A7LA A5 BEL DENYA"
Abdulwahab: "Ga9ri 7isich la ya7sidoona i5wanich el3uthaal...5o tadreen i'3aroon men 3elaqatna"
And with that we each parted, going back to our concerns
I headed back to my room only to find a billion messages from Sha3oola nagging me about my decision and when I let her know what it is...This girl is crazy seriously, ma3indiha 9abr
I texted back saying "Egoloon el9abr mfta7 elfaraj;)"
In less than a minute I got a text back... "HA HA HA...nesait ath7ak yal sa5eeefa!!! 5ibrich ana mawloda eb sab3at ash'hir mafini 9abr :P"
I answered her back saying "Kel shay eb wagta 7ilo ya 7ilo :*"
"FINE FINE!!! I'll be patient but remember you owe me...muhahahahahahhaha"
I put my cell down and decided to have a shower attempting to relax myself...
I started to fill up the tub with all sorts of essential oils, I hopped into the tub and the smell of the oils and candles was just perfect and with Bu Noora singing in the background everything was perfect, nothing could ruin my mood.
As I was laying in the tub I couldn't help but think of Jaber and his gorgeous light eyes.

When I was lost in his eyes I could tell that there was some sorrow and pain in them. I wonder what is hurting him?
I started to think of my decision and whether I should go ahead with it or not. I don't want to rush into any decision, because marriage is for life !!!
يا رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي امري
I kept on repeating that sentence at least 10 times...I'm really scared I really don't want to do anything and regret it later, elmas2al mu sahlaaa...
I just hope nothing goes wrong with my plan and I get to talk to him.
20 minutes later I decided to get out of the tub and start working on my paper for tomorrow's class. I changed into something comfortable and put on my thinking cap.
As I was busy writing up my paper I suddenly heard my door knocking.
Me: "Tefathal"
It was my brother Abdulwahab.
Abdulwahab: "Jawaher ana kalamt oboy ow Jaber ow ma kan 3indihum mani3...bacher ra7 eyeena Jaber elbait 3ogob 9alat el3a9r, okay?"
Me: "BACHER?????"
July 5, 2010
Reality 6
This post goes out to Nawarii, 89, saron28, *L, Manoora, July*...I love you all and thanks for ur support :*:*:*
6ooo6 6ooo6 6ooo6 *alarm clock*
I need to tell my mother ASAP....
I closed my alarm, it was 9 a.m. so I quickly got up, went to the toilet to do my business and then tewathait so I can pray the morning prayer. I went down and found my mother sipping on her morning tea.
Mom: "9ba7ch Allah bel noor wl srooor 7abibti" she said smiling "Elryoog jahiz yuma roo7ay eklay"
Mom: "Ghali wl 6alab r5eee9, yalla gomay"
We headed towards the table and my mother started to serve me what was on the table, as always, she loves to spoil me and my brothers. As she handed me the plate that was full of goodies, she noticed that I hardly touched my food and that my mind was somewhere else.
Mom: "Jawaher 7abibti eshfeeech matakleen? tabeen asaweelch shay thany?"
She puts down her tea cup and turns my face towards her "Jawaher goleeli shili sha'3el balich?"
I sighed.
Mom: "Ow ba3dain? Shefti shay eb manamich?"
I nodded.
Mom: "Goleeli esh sheftay?"
So I started telling her that I was with Jaber and it seemed that we were in love and I was so happy and I was laughing but then all of a sudden he starts to ask me why I'm not covered up like he asked me to and that it led us to fight. I told her how I was hurt and how I felt miserable when he left me after telling me how much he loves me and that I didn't want him to leave.
Mom: "Sim3ini yuma, ana ma3arf afasir ela7lam wayd bas ana yetrawali mn kalamich inich etha as3adti ow sawait ili yabeeh ra7 etkoneen sa3eeda ma3ah...ya3ni 3ala elaqal etha te7ajabtay ra7 ykoon '9ameerich merta7 ow ham entay ra7 etkoneen merta7a ma3ah...ana ra7 as2alch akthar ow astafsir lech bas ana galbi igoleee enah ohwa ra7 e9oonich la2na rayal dayen ow 5ayef rabah ow 5alooq mash'allah 3alaih ow shayel nafsa ebnafsa ...7ata matla7theen ishkithir 5awata e7iboona ow dayman ymd7oona...la2na ohwa mu emga9er 3alaihum...shoofi 7abibti ana agool fakray entay akthar ow s2lay e5wanich ow oboch 3an rayhum ow b3dain qareray 3ashan hathee 7ayatich bl a5eer"
Mom: "May2amir 3alaich 3ado 7abibti, abi salamtich...roo7i Allah weyach"
I kissed her cheek and went up to get ready for uni.
As I was changing I started to think about what my mother said, and how she could be right about the 7jab issue. I mean it is something I want to pursue eventually but I never thought I'd wear it at a young age, I was thinking I'd wear it after I graduate from uni.
After going through my closet, I settled on this:

I put my hair up into a messy bun, applied minimal makeup (peach blusher, mascara and a coral lipstick).
As I was going down the stairs I called Wahabi and we agreed to have a talk about Jaber after lunch since we're both free.
I hopped into my car and called my other half.
Calling Mesho...
6oo6 6oo6 6oo6....
Me: "Hala beeech 7abibti, sha5barich?"
Mesho: "Ana tamammmmmmmmm, enti shlonich??"
Me: "Ana eb5air, yalla 10 minutes wakoon 3indich"
Mesho: "Okie dokie, ciao bella"
I laughed as I said "Ciao"
I picked Sha3oola and we were on our way to uni. I didn't mention the este5ara to her because I knew that I won't be able to tell her everything in details before our classes so I decided to wait till we're done with classes.
Surprisingly the day went by so fast, as if Allah knew how bad I wanted to share my feelings with Mesho. We usually hang out in the garden area to chit chat about how are classes went since we only have two classes in common. We went to our spot and I was so nervous I didn't know how to start the conversation.
Mesho: "Jouj feech shay? Ana 7asa fi shay ib galbich widich itgoolena. I'm all ears tara" she said smiling
This girl knows me too well
Me: "Okay bagoolach bas mabeech itga63ini la2na ma ra7 akamil elsalfa etha ga6a3tini, ok?"
She said okay as she acted as if she is zipping her mouth shut.
I couldn't help but laugh at her. She then gestured for me to start talking.
So I told her everything from A-Z, the prayer, the dream, the conversation with mom.
Me: "What do you think?"
Mesho: "I think you should do what your heart tells you to do because in the end it is your life. Don't let anybody's words get to you. Base your decision on your thoughts and instincts."
Me: "You're right, but I still want to ask Wahabi what he thinks because he knows me very well and I'm sure his words will comfort me"
Mesho: "Yeah there's no harm in taking your brother's opinion"
Me: "But you know what, I think I already made my decision"
Mesho: "SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?" she said with her eyes almost popping
Me: "You heard me"
...."to be continued"
hope you enjoyed the post my lovely readers...pls give me ur opinion if there is something missing you would like me to add. more details, less details? tell me you all
- Ma7booba
July 4, 2010
Reality 5
Sha3oola slept over in order for us to go to uni together the next day. Since she is always over my place or I'm over her place we both have clothes at each others place.
After what seemed like ages I finally dozed off to sleep...
The next morning Mesho and I woke up to find the most delicious breakfast set on our kitchen table...everything delicious you can think of was set on the table...there were omelets, waffles, chocolate chip pancakes, jam, cheese, olives, labna, mmmmmmmmmmmm and the list goes on....I knew this was all my mom's doing, she wants to take my mind off of yesterday's events...I LOVE MY MOM she truly knows how to keep me happy....
Me: "YUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A7IBICH TADREEEN...." I ran and gave her the biggest kiss ever and hugged her"AMOOOT FEEECH, ALLAH LA YA7RIMNI MINICH"
She laughed at how excited I was over food and said "Wala minich ya 7abibti...yalla 7abaybee eklaw 3adil entay ow sha3oola tara hatha kela lekoum 7abaybee"
Mesho & I: "Insh'allaaaaaaaaaaaah yal ghalya"
After our delicious breakfast we hopped into my car to head to uni ....
I was wearing this:

and Mesho was in this:

Classes went by smoothly and they kind of took my mind off of Jaber's proposal...I made a mental note to ask my closest brother Abdulwahab about what he thinks of Jaber in general because I know he will be extremely honest with me. (note: during the next post I'll mention my brothers in details)
After our classes were done I dropped off Sha3oola to her place and went back home. As I was making my way up the stairs I see Edna running towards me with a huge grin on her face..."Jawaher waaaaaait before you go up I want to tell you something"
Me: "What is it Edna?"
Edna: "I just wanted to tell you that something very nice is waiting for you in your room, don't worry nobody saw it" and with that she left
OKayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! That was weird...5alni ashoof sheno hal something eli etgool 3ana Ednooo
I practically run up the stairs to see what is waiting for me in my room and to my surprise I found the most beautiful bouquet set on my bed.

I loved the bouquet so much because it consisted of my favorite colors.
I was so overwhelmed with the bouquet that I almost forgot to see if there's a card to know who is it from...there was a tiny card I opened it and read the following:
"I saw these beautiful flowers and I couldn't help but think of you and your beautiful smile. Remember that you should always smile because you have a beautiful smile :)"
My heart skipped a beat because I knew exactly who they were from...
3eraftaw mn????????????
YUP THAT'S RIGHT, the one and only J..a..b..e...r.... !!!
I couldn't help but smile at how sweet that was and how surprising because the bouquet consisted of my favorite color...9edfa? yajooooz
I set the bouquet in a vase on my dressing table and just admired them.
I got up and changed into something more comfortable and went down to have lunch with my family. Family lunch is extremely important to my father and we MUST all be there when it's time for lunch unless dad has a meeting or something. I love our family lunch because we get to see each other and talk about what's been going on in our daily lives.
catch up with each other.
Dad: "Yuba Jawaher sha5bar eljam3a? Insh'allah ma nag9ich shay?"
Me: "El7imdellah yuba kil shay mashi tamam....ow el7imdellah dam rasik eshim el hawa ma nagi9ni shay, ent elkhair wel ebrika"
Dad: "7abibti hal ebnaya, dayman kalamah 3asal ow ebarid el galb"
We all burst out laughing .....that's always the case whenever my dad compliments me.
Dad: "Entaw el 5air wel ebrika ....entaw esnidi eb hal denya ow mali '3enah 3ankum bas Jawaher bnti elwa7eeda lazm adalilha" and he winks at me
We continued having our lunch and then my father and brothers went their separate while I sat with my mother to have our daily afternoon tea.
We started to chitchat while sipping on our tea and then my mother asked me the question I was dreading...
"Yuma Jawaher mageltili esh9ar ams ma3ach entay ow wild 3amich ow eshrayech fee?"
Me: "Abad yuma, bas ge3ad ekalimni 3an nafsa ow ert7tla bas...."
Mom: "Bas shino? Golay 7abibti eli eb5a6rich?"
Me: "Yuma ana madri etha inti 3indich 3ilm inah ohwa eshway metdayen aw la"
Mom: "Ee galatlee omah ams"
Me: "Eee fa ohwa kan esolifli ow chithi ow faja2ni la2na gali enah yabini at7ajab ow atnaqab etha qararna netzawaj"
My mother kept quiet for a while, it showed she was thinking. She suddenly puts her tea cup down and faces me completely.
Mom: "Sem3ini yuma...mthil ma enti tadreen fil islam mafrooth 3ala elbint tet7ajab laman to9al sin el rushd bas a7na 3umirna ma '3e9abnach 3alaih la2na ma ra7 ta5theen ajrah etha inti mu meqtan3a...ow ana mabeech et'thneen ini ga3da a7awil aqni3ich eb shrou6 wild 3amich bl 3aks, ana bas 7aba awathi7 lach ...ana agool damich irta7teela 9ali esti5ara ow ili rabich katba ra7 e9eer insh'allah ow ba3dain qariray etha 7aba tet7ajibain ow gen3i inah elneqab malah 3elaqa bel deeen....mabeech etfakreen walaw la7tha inah etha intai mawafqtay enah ana ow oboch ra7 nez3al la2na aham shay sa3adtich...inzain yuma"
I just nodded and hugged her "Mashkoura yuma"
"Walaw 7abibti, ana ma sawait shay ana ithimni ma9la7tich ya wa7iditi"
Me: "Inzain yuma ana atra5a9 a7een 3ashan 3alay assignments bagoom a5ali9hum"
Mom: "Allah weyach yuma, ow saway eli etfigna 3alaih"
Me: "Insh'allah" I kissed the crown of her head and went up to my room
The rest of the day went by fast because I was busy with my assignments.
Around 11 0'clock I felt sleepy so I thought now it's time for me to est5eeer before I sleep, and so I did.
I changed into my pajama's and went to sleep hoping to find an answer to my question.
"A7bich, laish mu rathya tfhemeeen?"
"Ana ba3ad a7ibik bas magdar magdar ...ili ta6liba wayed 9a3ib arjook 7awil tfhamni" I said sobbing
He got up to approach me and it seemed like he wanted to hug me but he didn't
"La tabcheeen....ga6a3ti galbi ma asta7mil ashoofich met'thayga ...5ala9 ana ma ra7 ajbirich 3alay shay ow kel wa7id yroo7 eb 6ereeja ow ana ma ra7 asheel 3alaich bl 3aks ra7 ad3eelich inah rabi yaktiblich kil 5air la2nich sij tistahlain kil 5air yal ghalya...Ma3asalama ya aghla mn sekan galbi"
He started to fade away as I screamed ....
" be continued"
June 24, 2010
Reality 4
Dedicated to aghla * L, thanks for the amazing support darling, sorry I couldn't post earlier
I was trying to comprehend what I had just heard him say. Is he for real? My parents ili ohma my parents haven't asked me to do this?
I was lost in my thoughts until they got interrupted when both our mothers approached us.
His mother: "Ha yuma, ma sheba3t? 5alna namshi ow insh'allah elyayat akthar" she said smiling
I blushed like hell when she said that and he was just admiring my shyness as he got up.
Jaber: "Insh'allah yuma, enti jahzi a'3rathich ow ana al7igich"
Both our moms started giggling as they went inside, it showed they were extremely excited at our site.
Jaber: "Yala Jawaher atra5a9 ana al7een bas 6elabtich, fakri 3adil bl kalam eli gelta lech ow ana ra7 akoun na6r jawabich...ow lat7ateen ma ra7 az3al etha ma wafaqti la2na kl shay qsma ow n9eeb" he said as he gave another one of his gorgeous smiles
I nodded and said "Insh'allah, may9eer 5a6rik ela 6ayeb..."
And with that I walked him to the door and said goodbye to both him and his mother.
My mom: "Ha yuma, goleeelee ishrayech? 3asa itifagtaw 3ala shay?"
Me: "....ha?" I was so lost, still thinking about what he said.
My mom: "Eshfeech Jawaher 7abeebty, shaklich ta3bana. 5ala9 a5aleech ow ensolif b3dain" she said as she patted my back
I just nodded and headed straight up to my room searching for Mesha3el. Where did she go?? It seems she left.
I grabbed my cell to call her
Calling Mesho....
6ooo6 6oo
Me: "Sha3oola laish meshaitay? I need you. This can't be said on the phone" I said coldy
Me: "I'll take a shower now 3ala ma ityeen, yalla c u in a bit"
Mesho: "Okay, Bye"
I turned on the shower waiting for the hot water as I was cleaning my makeup and letting my loose. I hopped into the shower letting the hot water calm my nervous down. I was trying so hard to enjoy the shower instead of thinking about anything that went on earlier. As I was almost done I heard my the room door slam. Akeed Sha3oola :)
"Jouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj I'm here, yalla shower faster I'm on my toes"
I cracked up. Habla hal bent dayman on her toes, ili igool betesma3 a5er a5bar el3alam.
Me: "Kaniiiiiiii, I'm almost done. Hold your horses"
Mesha3el: "HA HA HA...not funny"
I got out of the shower wrapped my hair with the towel and wore this:

Me: "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII....awwwwwwwwwwwww u look so cute"
Mesho was wearing this :




Mesho: "5aleeena fil muhim Jouuuj I wanna know"
Me: "Afaaaaa.. A7een emdi7ich ana ow u cut me off...pffffft 9j lai galaw jeza ele7san sewad el wayh"
she burst out laughing and I joined her as well.
Mesho: "Yal baykha wala ma aq9d...thanks 3ala compliment *mwa7* bas jad tell me esh9ar"
Me: "Ok ok seriously I'll tell you"
So I started telling her everything from A-Z...about how I was nervous at first and how later on he tried to ease things by being polite and telling me more about himself. Then I finally told her about what he had asked me to do if I accept his proposal.
Me: "I didn't say anything because I pretty much lost in my thoughts and then we were interrupted when his mom came telling him she wants to leave so I couldn't really respond"
Mesho: "Ow 5alti eshgalat??"
Me: "El9ara7a I didn't tell her. I wasn't thinking straight, I needed to tell you first because I know you will calm me down"
Mesha3el came and gave the biggest bear hug ever. It was exactly what I needed at that moment. I couldn't handle it anymore so I started to cry because I was truly lost. I mean what if I reject him and then things become weird between our families or worse I may never get married I don't want that to happen. Mesha3el started to shush me and just started to recite the Qur'an to calm me down.
"We'll figure this out sweetie don't worry" she said
Let's just hope for the best.
Sorry adri not a lot things happened but the upcoming posts will have more events.
Hope you enjoyed reading
- Ma7booba xoxo